Open Mornings - all tours 9.30-10.30am Thursday 3 October Tuesday 8 October Friday 18 October Tuesday 22 October Wednesday 6 November Thursday 14 November Friday 22 November Friday 10 January Please call School Office to book- 01483 422087

School Visits

The role of Governing Body is to monitor the progress and performance of the school. Governors agree to visit the school at least once a year when they become a governor at Milford. This can take any form.  The visits will enable the governors to:

  • See the school at work
  • Get to know the staff
  • Give active support
  • Be aware of the effects of change
  • Work in partnership with the staff

Our visits enable the Governors to support the School Development Plan (SDP) for this academic year. Once visits are complete, Governors responsible for each visit report back to the full body on observations and recommendations.