Open Mornings - all tours 9.30-10.30am Thursday 3 October Tuesday 8 October Friday 18 October Tuesday 22 October Wednesday 6 November Thursday 14 November Friday 22 November Friday 10 January Please call School Office to book- 01483 422087

Adverse weather/extreme circumstances information

In the event of adverse weather/extreme circumstance (e.g. loss of power) that may affect the opening of the school, parents should always check the banner at the top of the school website in the first instance, our twitter feed and your mobile phones for a text message.
In the event of a full or partial closure, parents will receive either a text message or email message to the contact details given to us.  Local radio stations may also be contacted to inform them.  
Wherever possible the school will remain open unless it is totally unsafe to do so.  The website may display requests for parental help e.g. in the event of heavy snowfall to help clear and make safe pathways around the school.