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 White Rose Maths Planning - Week 1, Spring Term Year 4 - all  powerpoints/worksheets and resources. | Teaching Resources

In Reception, Maths teaching is based on the EYFS curriculum and supported by the use of White Rose 'Mastery Maths' resources.  We aim to introduce the children to maths through the use of concrete, pictorial, abstract methods to give children a deeper understanding of how mathematics works.  

In Key Stage 1 we also follow many units of White Rose Maths, based upon the highly successful Singapore/Shanghai models.  

For this subject, it is our aim that the children acquire the basic skills of numeracy and a thorough understanding of mathematical concepts, so that they may build upon their knowledge throughout the school and in future years.

For Year 1 and 2 a daily maths lesson is taught. The lesson may be based around numbers and algebra, shape space measure, handling data as well as using and applying maths. Learning maths vocabulary and talking about mathematical ideas is an important part of each lesson. There will be a focus on learning mental strategies as well as written methods to work out problems.

We try to ensure that work is always well matched to the children’s needs and that they are given opportunities to select appropriate apparatus and learn through discovery as well as through instruction.