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23 Best Popular Science YouTube Channels | by Andrey Nikishaev | Machine  Learning World | Medium

At Milford School, we aim to ensure that we deliver a high-quality science curriculum where all children are taught essential aspects of the knowledge, methods, processes, and uses of science. Through our science topics there are a wide range of opportunities that will enable children to confidently explore and discover the world around them. We learn about plants, animals, habitats, changing seasons and much more. Science includes observing changes over a period of time, noticing patterns, making links as well as grouping and classifying things. There are practical hands-on experiences that promote curiosity and are integral to developing children’s scientific enquiry skills. We encourage our scientists to speculate, ask questions, make connections, experiment with purpose, discuss their ideas clearly, make observations and comparisons. We believe our curriculum must be accessible to all and should ensure pupils at all levels are helped to achieve their next steps. We help to build happy scientists who leave our school ready to take on their next challenge in year 3.