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Welcome from our Governing Body

The Role of the Governing Body:
In all types of schools, governing bodies should have a strong focus on three core strategic functions:
A. Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;
B. Holding the head teacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the performance management of staff;
C. Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.
Governing bodies are the key strategic decision making body in every school. It is their job to set the school's strategic framework and ensure that it meets all of its statutory duties.
Governors' first line of accountability is to parents and the wider school and local community.
The Governors have a general responsibility for the effective management of the school and they work in close co-operation with the Headteacher.
Our Governors are representatives of both our local community, parents and school staff. They bring a range of interests, knowledge and skills and have responsibility for overseeing the organisation, curriculum and budget of the school.
Milford governing body follows a committee based approach.  There are two committees; Curriculum & Standards (C&S) and Resources.  Each committee typically meets termly - resources additionally meets for a further 1-2 meetings to review the school budget.  The FGB meets at the end of each term. 
Milford governing body comprises 11 members; 2 foundation, 3 parent, 1 LA, 3 co-opted, 1 head teacher and 1 staff governors.  Typically a term of office is for four years.  Committee and FGB meetings are supported by the clerk to governors.  Should you wish to contact the governing body please email:
Name Type of Governor Term of Office Committee
Sara Cox Head Teacher 01.09.23 All
Lisa Hearsum Staff 01.10.24-30.09.28 C&S
Richard Barnes Parent 19.03.24-18.03.28 Resources
Darragh Jones Co-opted 08.10.24-07.10.28 C&S
Steven Hextall Co-opted 08.10.24-07.10.28 All
Melanie Isherwood LA and Chair of Governors 28.03.24-27.03.28 All
Esther Lear Parent 04.07.23-03.07.27 C&S
Will Mortimer Foundation 15.11.22-14.11.26 Resources
Lydia Paterson Co-opted 16.03.22-15.03.26 Resources
Juliet Williams Clerk to Governors   All
Vacancy Parent    
Vacancy Foundation