Open Mornings - all tours 9.30-10.30am Thursday 3 October Tuesday 8 October Friday 18 October Tuesday 22 October Wednesday 6 November Thursday 14 November Friday 22 November Friday 10 January Please call School Office to book- 01483 422087

Our School Values and Ethos

We value and celebrate all of the unique gifts and abilities brought to our school by all of the children to help them meet our school vision.

We aim to provide an environment in which:

  • the children enjoy a stable and happy school life
  • all members of the school community are safe and valued
  • we foster the all round development of each individual
  • learning experiences are stimulating and well-resourced
  • the children explore their own imaginative play in a safe, diverse environment
  • we recruit and retain high quality staff
  • strong partnerships between school, home and the local community are maintained

As a school we:

Value and promote the all-round development of every child in our care

- so that they can grow and flourish socially, emotionally, academically and physically.

Create a happy, safe and inspiring environment

- where children and staff alike can do their best with confidence and enthusiasm.

Achieve high standards of teaching and learning

- so that whatever their starting point, our children make good progress.
Our School Values are:

Autumn 1 – Resilience

Autumn 2 – Independence

Spring 1 – Respect

Spring 2 – Empathy

Summer 1 – Self-control

Summer 2 - Courage