2026 - 2027 Milford School Admissions Arrangements
Milford School staff Supplementary Information Form 2026-2027
2025 - 2026 Milford School Admissions Arrangements
Milford School staff Supplementary Information Form 2025-2026
2024 - 2025 Milford School Admissions Arrangements
Milford School staff Supplementary Information Form 2024-2025
2023 - 2024 Milford School Admissions Arrangements
Milford School staff Supplementary Information Form 2023-2024
Parents who are considering sending children to our school are encouraged to arrange a visit, so that they may see the school in action. Appointments may be made by telephoning the school office on 01483 422087 or emailing us at info@milford.surrey.sch.uk.
Admissions to Reception in September
Milford School is a foundation school; this means that the Governing Body determines its admission arrangements. The arrangements for admissions in 2022-2023 and 2023-2024 have been revised to take account of the changes in the School Admissions code and are attached above.
Please see Surrey County Council’s Booklets for detailed information regarding all the local schools.
Admission arrangements of children with an Education, Health & Care Plan (EHCP) or a disability
Most children with an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP) can be appropriately supported in mainstream school.
The school will usually admit children who have an EHCP where Milford school is named. Admission arrangements are carefully assessed to ensure they will not disadvantage unfairly, either directly or indirectly, a child with a special educational need or disability.
We assess any reasonable adjustments that can be made for children with EHC Plans in order to avoid any potential incompatibility. This might mean making minor adaptations to the school building, recruiting additional staff or securing training for staff in a particular type of SEN. This is in accordance with section 33 of the Children and Families Act 2014, Equality Act 2010, and the associated SEND Code of Practice.
Grow Learn Believe Achieve
In-year admissions
We accept admissions into other years and at times other than September, when we have available spaces. We operate a waiting list for each year group which we review and rank if a place becomes available. For such admissions or to join the waiting list, parents should see the advice and application form on the Local Authority Admissions page:
Apply for an in year school place - Surrey County Council (surreycc.gov.uk) .
If Milford is your first preference but you are not offered a place, your child’s name will be put in our waiting list. The Local Authority holds this information and if you want your child’s name to stay on the waiting list in subsequent years you must inform them in writing.
Vacancies will be filled in accordance with the school’s admissions criteria (see above). Please note, priority for places will not depend on the order in which you ranked the schools and your child’s position in the waiting pool may change if a child is later added who has a higher priority.
Appeals against an admissions decision must be made according to the Admissions Appeals Timetable. Parents who have not been allocated a place are entitled to appeal against the governors’ decision to an Independent Appeal Panel. Surrey County Council Admissions Appeals timetable is available on the Surrey County Council website.
Settling In
The provision of a stable and happy beginning to school life is one of our fundamental aims. To promote this, all new entrants are invited to spend some time in their reception class during the term before they are admitted. Children will be able to attend school for some visits during the weeks prior to admission.
Parents of all new entrants will be invited to attend a series of meetings, during which they will be given guidance on preparing their child for school. The school’s philosophy, general domestic arrangements, points of safety etc. will be explained at these meetings and a Welcome Pack will be issued.